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PLANE Empowers Kaduna Schools with 280,000 Learning Materials

PLANE Empowers Kaduna Schools with 280,000 Learning Materials
Exciting developments are underway in Kaduna State as the Partnership for Learning for All in Nigeria (PLANE) collaborates with the Kaduna State Ministry of Education and State Basic Education Board (SUBEB) to distribute 280,000 learning materials to 725 public primary schools, January 2023. This initiative aims to provide a solid educational foundation for children in pre-primary and primary classes one and two, with the materials designed in the Hausa language.
The materials, including books and maps, have been carefully developed to incorporate singing, numeric, and alphabetic elements that will engage the young learners. With the guidance of their trained teachers, children can now embark on an educational journey filled with joyous songs and interactive content. The distribution will cover six local government areas, reaching 82 schools in Soba, 61 schools in Sabon Gari, 54 schools in Kaduna North, 36 schools in Kaduna South, 182 schools in Jaba, and 192 schools in Sanga.
Mr. Salim Sadiq, the Technical Adviser for Teaching and Learning at PLANE Kaduna, expressed the project’s intentions, stating, “We believe that having the right content is key to educational development in Nigeria. We want to ensure children in public schools are truly learning so that we can nurture brilliant generations.” By targeting pre-primary and primary one and two pupils, the initiative sets the foundation for future expansions, with plans to include primary six pupils throughout the eight-year lifespan of the project.
The Permanent Secretary of the Kaduna State Ministry of Education, Dr. Halliru Musa Soba, officially launched the distribution exercise at the SUBEB premises, commending PLANE for aligning with the federal government’s emphasis on promoting learning through the mother tongue in Nigerian pre-primary and primary schools. Dr. Soba emphasized the importance of a solid foundation, stating, “This will help to reduce learning poverty because once the foundation is solid, learning will not be a difficult thing for our children. As a teacher, you are entrusted with these materials. You must, therefore, ensure the materials reach the children they are meant for.”
In his goodwill message, Mr. Abel Adejor, the State Team Lead of Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL), highlighted the collective responsibility of ensuring that the materials reach their intended beneficiaries promptly. He stressed the need for careful monitoring and utilization to maximize their impact. “We want to see us monitoring how the distribution is done to ensure it gets to the intended beneficiaries,” Mr. Adejor remarked, underscoring the importance of accountability and collaboration.
This significant endeavor by PLANE and its partners in Kaduna State promises to revolutionize the learning experience for young children. By providing them with the right tools and resources in their mother tongue, the project aims to empower them and lay a solid foundation for their educational journey. As the distribution commences, we eagerly anticipate the positive impact this initiative will have on the children of Kaduna, nurturing a generation of enthusiastic learners and bright minds.


Enene Ejembi is the PLANE Strategic Communications Lead.

