
Human Development Evaluation Learning 

and Verification Service

The Human Development Evaluation, Learning, and Verification Service (DELVe) provides independent evaluation, learning and verification services for PLANE

How DELVe works?

DELVe carries out its work across four work packages:

Package 1​


Provides quality assurance of implementing partners’ monitoring and evaluation systems, as well as verifying the quality of the data they collect.

Key Activities

  1. Annual assessment of the Implementing Partners’ Monitoring and Evaluation systems
  2. Annual Data Quality and Perception Assessment to validate Implementing Partners’ results.

    Package 2

    Ad Hoc

    Provides independent and demand-driven advice to FCDO-N to help them support the Windows​

    Key Activities

    1. Design of the Portfolio Theory of Change (ToC)
    2. Development of the Portfolio Result Framework.
    3. Value for Money strategy development.

      Package 3


      Focused pieces of research to support learning, adaptation and flexibility and to inform Implementation Partners and Portfolio programming decisions.

      Key Activities

      1. Community Support to Learning (CStL) scoping study
      2. Education in Emergencies (EiE) synthesis report

      Package 4


      Provides FCDO-N with rigorous and independent evidence for both decision-making and assessing the Portfolio’s performance.

      Key Activities

      1. Performance Evaluation (PE) design
      2. Baseline Performance Evaluation 2022
      Improved Data and decision making for human development

      Downloadable Resources

      Community Support to Learning Scoping Study
      A Syntheses of FCDO-funded Education in Emergency Programs Full report
      A Syntheses of FCDO-funded Education in Emergency Programmes Infographics
      School Opening and Attendance Scoping
      Final Report

      DELVe’s Knowledge Management and Communication work is cross-cutting across the work packages and supports the Windows.

      1. Our team will work collaboratively with the Implementing Partners to carry out system assessments of their monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and update them yearly.
      2. On a yearly basis, we will carry out both data collection and desk-based data quality assessments to validate Implementing Partners’ results.
      3. We will also update the systems assessments each year.  This will help validate Implementing Partner results and generate confidence in the evidence collected.
      1. The Ad-Hoc Advice Work Package aims to provide a flexible, swift and effective demand-driven service to help answer questions that fall outside the other Work Packages.
      2. Responding to requests for assistance from FCDO-N and the Implementing Partners, DELVe will design and deliver relevant studies and other pieces of work to ensure all stakeholders have the information they need to continually improve their systems and processes.
      1. The Formative Evaluation team will work with FCDO, the Implementing Partners, the Government and internal colleagues to develop a pipeline of focused pieces of research and other studies.
      2. These will aim to help all partners make adaptive programmatic and potential policy decisions or fill in gaps in knowledge.
      1. The purpose of the Performance Evaluation is to build a strong evidence base for accountability and learning for PLANE and contribute towards improving learning outcomes and overarching human development goals in Nigeria.
      2. Working in tandem with all the other work packages, the Performance Evaluation will deliver baseline, midline and endline studies to answer the Evaluation Questions.

      DELVe Consortium​


      The FCDO-N, the PLANE Windows, and DELVe will work together.

      To generate evidence, reflect on lessons learned and use evidence for programme improvements.



      Baseline Performance Evaluation

      DELVe completed a Performance Evaluation (PE) Design, utilizing a contribution analysis approach to evaluation. This PE design scored an impressive 97% on FCDO’s EQuALS (Evaluation Quality Assurance and Learning Service), indicating its exceptional quality. The baseline performance evaluation was conducted between October 2022 and April 2023. Future evaluations include the midline evaluation planned for 2025 and the endline evaluation scheduled for 2027, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the PLANE’s progress and outcomes.



      DELVe has successfully completed the Verification Design, Data Quality and Perception Assessment (DQPA), as well as the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Systems Assessment for PLANE Windows 1 and 2. The outcomes from these assessments have been instrumental in improving the Windows’ M&E systems and facilitating the exchange of valuable lessons among them. DELVe is currently in the process of finalizing the Systems Assessment for Window 3.

      DELVe Core Team

      DELVe team includes national and international M&E experts specialised in education and FCDO contracts management. ​

      UK-Based Team


      Gregor MacKinnon

      Project Director


      Raj Popat​

      Project Manager​


      Sara Albertini

      Assistant Project Manager


      Chris Perry​​

      Technical Director


      Mat Pritchard​​

      Technical Evaluation Director


      Louise Wetheridge​​

      Education Evaluation Lead​​


      Cormac Quinn​​

      PE Adviser

      Ignacio Torrano​​

      Formative Evaluation Manager

      Nigerian Team

      dammy image

      Zakariya Zakari​​​

      Team Leader​​


      Tosin Akomolafe​​​

      Learning, Knowledge Management and Communication Lead


      Nafisa Waziri​​​

      Education Evaluation Manager​​​


      Patricia Achu

      Verification Lead

      Achievements, Challenges and Lessons from Implementing Education in Emergencies Programmes

      Education plays a pivotal role in society and it is a fundamental right of every child1. Unfortunately, certain societies are unable to fully benefit from education due to emergencies such as conflicts, pandemics, natural disasters, and other crises. These unexpected situations often disrupt the educational process. As a result, children are unable to attend school or continue their learning, which can have long-lasting negative impacts on their lives, communities, and countries. This is where education in emergencies comes into play – a term used to describe the provision of education during times of crisis. The primary objective of education in emergencies is to ensure that children and young people have access to high-quality education, regardless of the disruption caused by emergencies.
      This blog post offers insight into the achievement, lessons learnt and recommendations from education in emergency interventions in North-East Nigeria. Focusing on a synthesis study on education in emergencies interventions funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in Nigeria (FCDO-N) in Borno and Yobe states, the author highlights key findings and offers practical recommendations for ensuring access to education in emergency circumstances. The synthesis study was aimed at sharing achievements and recommendations with the wider EiE community and inform ongoing and future programming.”

      Blog posts

      Be a Part of Sustainable Future​

      Become a DELVe Partner