Mohammed is a beneficiary of a program initiated by UNICEF in equipping teachers with essential skills in the following areas; Gender-Based Violence, Psychosocial Support, Child Protection, and Responding to Emergencies. The objective of this program is to provide students with essential knowledge on self-protection during emergencies, as well as to train teachers in identifying signs of emotional imbalance in children and providing necessary care when required.

UK Reaffirms Commitment to Education at Kano Conference  

The Kano State Government, in collaboration with the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) PLANE and Arewa Consultative Forum, hosted the Education Recovery Conference on July 10th and 11th, 2024. This event brought together thought leaders, political actors, diplomats, educators, private sector players, advocates and policymakers to address significant challenges in Kano’s education sector.


The Kano State Government, with the support of the United Kingdom’s Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) in Nigeria and Arewa Consultative Forum, is set to convene an education recovery conference on 10th and 11th of July, 2024. The conference featuring thought leaders, political actors, diplomats, educators, private sector players, advocates and policymakers, will focus on addressing significant education sector challenges in Kano State.

Integrating IQTEs into formal school system in Nigeria

The northern part of Nigeria houses most of the country’s out-of-school children. However, many parents in the region embrace Islamiyya, Quranic and Tsangaya Education (IQTE), with children often being sent far from home to acquire knowledge of the Quran. Considering the huge number of IQTE schools and their students, the integration of these schools into the formal system may help Nigeria draw closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals targets, especially Goal 4- Education for All.

Educate children with village savings initiative

Empowering parents to educate children with village savings initiative

Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA), is a strategy of the PLANE programme, implemented by Save the Children to improve household economic status of parents and caregivers in communities. The objective of VSLA is to bring people of the same interest and similar livelihoods together to enable them save and access loans from their savings to invest in a profitable income generating activities.