Results Framework and Logframe

The purpose of this document is to describe the Results Framework and Logframe of PLANE’s Window 1. Building on the programme Theory of Change (see KPI-10), this document sets outs the logic underpinning the project’s design and the key results by showing the links between PLANE’s operating context and its intended response in the shape […]

Monitoring And Evaluation Approach Paper

M&E approach & tools developed – to report against The Theory of Change and in line with the Results Framework Indicators, including against Outcome KPIs and for VFM reporting. Agreed by FCDO and supplied to FCDO’s Independent M&E provider, DELVe.

PLANE Knowledge Management, Strategic Communication and Advocacy Strategy

This is a comprehensive document that outlines the framework and approach for managing knowledge and communication efforts within the context this programme. Overall, the PLANE Knowledge Management, Strategic Communication, and Advocacy Strategy serves as a roadmap for efficiently managing knowledge and communication goals for the programme’s success. It is an essential resource for team members […]

Brand Book

This guide explains the use of the PLANE Nigeria brand to ensure consistent application of our visual elements in all comunications such as presentations, publications, marketingmaterials, correspondence.