The Community Action Cycle is Save the Children’s flagship and proven community mobilization/community capacity strengthening approach which fosters individual and collective action to address key programme goals and related outcomes. On the PLANE programme, the CAC approach is implemented to mobilize community support for education through the establishment of Community Core Groups (CCGs), consisting of existing community structures such as the school-based management committees, ward development committees, community-based child protection committees, women and men groups, disability groups, etc. The community core group will lead community action activities, working collectively with the wider community members.
To strengthen the capacity of PLANE Project and Partners staff on the Community Action Cycle (CAC) approach, a trainer of master training was conducted in May 2023 in Kano. Participants for the training were drawn from Save the Children International Nigeria PLANE Staff, PLANE downstream consortium partners Staff, and Staff from the Government State Universal Basic Education (SUBEB) and State Ministries of Women Affairs across the Jigawa, Kano and Kaduna (JKK) states. The participants gained knowledge in the CAC approach and improved skills in participatory facilitation cascading training to the CAC Facilitators at the Local Government Area (LGA) level. The Master trainers have successfully trained 85 CAC facilitators and LGA Social Mobilization Officers across the three states.