PLANE Newsletter- January 2024

This newsletter highlights the issue of learning poverty in Nigeria and presents some of the solutions that PLANE has been working on together with our partners. It is gratifying to note that addressing the learning crisis is top on the agenda of government. Development partners and other relevant stakeholders have lined up behind the Government of Nigeria’s education reform agenda. Download to read!

PLANE Newsletter- September 2023

At the end of August 2023, PLANE marked the end of its first year of intervention in Nigeria. Working in close collaboration with government and organisations with a shared vision, we have been able to reach 554,648 students and 9,385 teachers in Jigawa, Kaduna and Kano States with our interventions under Window One, implemented by DAI and consortium partners. We have enabled support visits to 1,968 schools, trained 2,487 headteachers in safeguarding and established 200 community learning hubs where we are raising education awareness and promoting learning skills in informal settings. Download our newsletter to read more.

Overview: PLANE Hausa Foundational Learning Materials

PLANE has successfully developed literacy and mathematics materials for Primary 1-3 students, along with read-aloud anthologies and teacher guides to simplify the experiences of teachers and aid their delivery in the classroom. The materials, which are in alignment with the Nigerian National Primary Curriculum and global best practices are linguistically and culturally relevant, written entirely in Hausa and in collaboration with local stakeholders. The foundational learning materials use a learner-centered approach to instruction that will ultimately improve both teaching practices and learning outcomes in primary schools. These resources will transform teaching and learning by meeting teachers and pupils where they are, in their own language and then helping them to apply the same skills in another language of wider communication.

PLANE Hausa Foundational Learning Materials (Primary 3 Mathematics Teacher’s Guide)

Primary 3 math materials focus on addition and subtraction of 2- and 3-digit numbers addition and subtraction of fractions with common denominators; multiplication of 2-digit numbers; division without remainders; factoring; money usage and identification; measurement of area and perimeter; time and dates; and data collection and analysis.

PLANE Hausa Foundational Learning Materials (Primary 3 Mathematics Pupil’s book)

Primary 3 math materials focus on addition and subtraction of 2- and 3-digit numbers addition and subtraction of fractions with common denominators; multiplication of 2-digit numbers; division without remainders; factoring; money usage and identification; measurement of area and perimeter; time and dates; and data collection and analysis.

PLANE Hausa Foundational Learning Materials (Primary 2 Storybook)

Primary 2 literacy materials build on Primary 1 concepts, focusing on syllable recognition, word reading and word writing, sentence reading, and listening comprehension. These materials were created under the Partnership for Learning for All in Nigeria (PLANE) project, funded by UK aid. These materials were adapted from materials developed under three previous UK aid funded […]

PLANE Hausa Foundational Learning Materials (Primary 2 Literacy, Pupil’s Book)

Primary 1 math materials focus on counting and writing numbers 1-100, adding and subtracting two-digit numbers, skip counting, comparing matching groups, identifying monetary values, telling time, measuring in standard and nonstandard measurements, collecting data and drawing 2D and 3D shapes.