PLANE Hausa Foundational Learning Materials (Primary 1 Storybook)

Primary 1 math materials focus on counting and writing numbers 1-100, adding and subtracting two-digit numbers, skip counting, comparing matching groups, identifying monetary values, telling time, measuring in standard and nonstandard measurements, collecting data and drawing 2D and 3D shapes.

PLANE Hausa Foundational Learning Materials (Primary 1 Literacy, Pupil’s Book)

Primary 1 math materials focus on counting and writing numbers 1-100, adding and subtracting two-digit numbers, skip counting, comparing matching groups, identifying monetary values, telling time, measuring in standard and nonstandard measurements, collecting data and drawing 2D and 3D shapes.

Socio-demographic (Baseline) Survey And Graded Assessment Of Unregistered Non-state Schools – Jigawa State Report

The 2022 Baseline Assessment of Teacher Provision and Policies in Jigawa evaluates the state of teacher recruitment, training, and policies in Jigawa as of 2022. The assessment focuses on various aspects of teacher provision, including the recruitment process, teacher qualifications, deployment, and professional development. The assessment is a valuable resource for policymakers, educational authorities, and […]

Community Support To Learning Scoping Study

Nigeria faces significant challenges in providing education for its more than 10 million out-of-school children. This problem is also a concern in FCDO’s partner States in North West Nigeria in which PLANE Window 3 is to be delivered: Jigawa, Kaduna and Kano. In response to this, FCDO has embedded Community Support to Learning (CStL) in […]