Synthesis of FCDO Education in Emergencies (EiE) Programme in Nigeria 2017 – 2021

From 2017 to 2021 FCDO funded three Education in Emergencies (EiE) programmes in North-East Nigeria under two portfolios: The North-East Transition to Development Programme (NENTAD) during an initial stage and the Partnership for Learning for All in Nigeria
(PLANE) thereafter. Two programmes were fully funded by FCDO and implemented by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). For the third programme FCDO provided top-up funds for one of the components of USAID’s Addressing Education in Northeast Nigeria (AENN)

A PLANE-supported community learning hub in Jigawa State.

Community Learning Hubs Attract In-School and Out-of-School Children

This collection of stories of change from the PLANE Window One programme showcases some of the progress we made in our first year of implementation, supporting the delivery of education services at the federal level and in three northern states, Kano, Kaduna and Jigawa.

Stories of Change- Improving Basic Education Delivery in Northern Nigeria

This collection of stories of change from the PLANE Window One programme showcases some of the progress we made in our first year of implementation, supporting the delivery of education services at the federal level and in three northern states, Kano, Kaduna and Jigawa.


PLANE Newsletter- January 2024

This newsletter highlights the issue of learning poverty in Nigeria and presents some of the solutions that PLANE has been working on together with our partners. It is gratifying to note that addressing the learning crisis is top on the agenda of government. Development partners and other relevant stakeholders have lined up behind the Government of Nigeria’s education reform agenda. Download to read!

PLANE Newsletter- September 2023

At the end of August 2023, PLANE marked the end of its first year of intervention in Nigeria. Working in close collaboration with government and organisations with a shared vision, we have been able to reach 554,648 students and 9,385 teachers in Jigawa, Kaduna and Kano States with our interventions under Window One, implemented by DAI and consortium partners. We have enabled support visits to 1,968 schools, trained 2,487 headteachers in safeguarding and established 200 community learning hubs where we are raising education awareness and promoting learning skills in informal settings. Download our newsletter to read more.