PLANE’s Year 2 Learning Outcomes Results in Kaduna State

In October 2023 and July 2024, PLANE and government partners collected learning outcomes data in Primary 2 and 3 in Kaduna state, using the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA), with 6 LGAs and 43 schools sampled. Learners improved during the 2023-2024 school year, with children performing higher overall in mathematics. However, children did not quite meet the 50% improvement target set for the year.

PLANE’s Year 2 Learning Outcomes Results in Kano State

In 2023-2024, PLANE worked with Kano State to implement Foundational Learning in four local government areas (LGAs): Gabasawa, Karaye, Minjibir, and Takai, reaching 151,370 children in Primary 1-3 in 532 schools. The programme also implemented Accelerated Learning (AL) in seven LGAs: Bichi, Bunkure, Dawakin Tofa, Rimin Gado, Ungogo, Warawa, and Wudil, reaching 113,641 pupils in Primary 4, 5, and 6in 580 schools. In October 2023 and July 2024, PLANE and government partners collected learning outcomes data in sample schools.

National Policy on Inclusive Education in Nigeria 2023 (Executive Summary).

The Federal Ministry of Education has revised the National Policy on Inclusive Education (2023) to ensure that learners from all social, cultural and economic backgrounds and of all abilities has unhindered access to free, quality, safe and inclusive education. Click here to read the executive summary developed with PLANE’s support.

PLANE’s Year 2 Learning Outcomes Results in Jigawa State

In 2023-2024, PLANE worked with Jigawa State to implement literacy and mathematics programming in seven local government areas (LGAs): Dutse, Gagarawa, Jahun, Kafin Hausa, Malam Madori, Taura and  Yankwashi, reaching 145,289 children in Primary 1-3in 750 schools.  Programming focused on teacher training, coaching,  mentoring and  book distribution. In October 2023 and July 2024, PLANE and government partners collected learning outcomes data in Primary 2 and 3, using the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA), with 4 LGAs and 34 schools sampled.

PLANE’S Theory of Change

Nigerian children are not learning foundational skills – maths, basic reading and writing in Hausa and in English. This lack of basic skills undermines their ability to transition into junior and upper secondary and, subsequently, enter the employment market with the skills and abilities that enable them to maximise their opportunities. In response to this […]

A PLANE-supported community learning hub in Jigawa State.

Community Learning Hubs Attract In-School and Out-of-School Children

This collection of stories of change from the PLANE Window One programme showcases some of the progress we made in our first year of implementation, supporting the delivery of education services at the federal level and in three northern states, Kano, Kaduna and Jigawa.